Ice Detection for Seismic Operations

Arctic conditions increase the challenges for Seismic Surveys.
Ice Pieces in the water, indeed a problem as such, but not the only obstacle.

Wind. The wind changes much quicker up here, you can’t trust the weather forecasts, even if they are more right than wrong.

Growlers. These ice pieces show a very small area above the surface,
many of of them are newly washed. 

You would need good ice detection radar together with an experienced ice observer. The ice detection radar could detect also the most dangerous growlers, it takes
a trained eye to identify them quick on the radar screen. Time is of essence.

An experienced ice observer using a good ice detection radar will still beat
even the most advanced automatic detection/tracker system.  


You would try your outmost to protect your new technology and equipment needed for 3-D and 4-D seismic surveys, which can be very difficult up here. 

Our new optimized surface detection radars benefit from recent Arctic experience.

A vessel with Optimized Ice Detection radar could operate safer through ice waters, and remain in icy areas, waiting for the ice to clear.

In short - our Ice Detection radar could increase the vessel’s operational time.

Our optimized ice detection radar systems, together with Ice Specialists
(Ice Observers, Ice Navigators, Ice Pilots) could be beneficial for your
Seismic Surveys up in the Arctic.