Ice Detection for Seismic Operations in Ice

Seismic Operations in Ice is very challenging.

First – it’s the operation in Ice, with Ice Detection and Ice Breaking assistance
to mention only two.

Then it’s the Seismic Project in addition. Seismic Operations is all about Quality.
It is demanding to run Seismic surveyes in Icy open waters up north, much more challenging in Ice. So far we have seen 2D Seismic Surveys successfully done in Ice.

Achieved with an Ice Breaker ahead of the Seismic Vessel, clearing up the ice
around the Seismic vessel with the streamer towed in the broken ice.

Winterization of the Seismic vessel is another challenge. It is challenging
to be operational during the coldness in the Arctic Ice bed. 

You would need a good Ice Detection radar on board, to be able to operate safely also when shooting seismic in Ice. 

Recent experience on the Arctic Ocean is that the ice drift could create problems.
Ice Navigator training is important together with the Ice Observers/Pilots on board for your seismic survey project in ice. 

Last but not least – You do need training on how to use the Ice Detection Radar.
Your detection of the ice pieces, the ice drift, ice bergs in the ice bed is important
for success.

The Master of your vessel do need to know exactly how the Ice moves and be adviced about any ice hazards inside the ice well in advance if he should have
a chance to beat it all also when the vessel is towing a long Seismic Streamer. 

RADAR TECHNOLOGY radars is designed for integration with the Seismic
Ice Navigation Systems currently in use on Arctic going Seismic vessels.

Our transceiver is winterized to perform at extremely cold temperatures.
The cables are safely connected to the the up-mast transceiver unit,
designed to perform down to extremely cold temperatures.