Optimized Surface Detection radar.

This new Radar Technology X-band radar is designed to optimize the detection
of the smallest surface details, which has not been detect able for such radar systems before.

This is mainly because of the inside design of the antenna, giving it
a dramatically improved performance & receiver sensivity.

De-icing technology.

A true problem in icing conditions is resolved - all antenna systems from RADAR-Technology can be equipped with built-in de-icing technology. When the rest of the vessel or platform is covered by ice or frost, the RADAR-Technology radar is still operating, detecting without being interfered by ice or frost.


Our transceiver is winterized to perform at extremely cold temperatures.
The cables are safely connected to the up-mast transceiver unit,
designed to perform down to extremely cold temperatures.

Low Weight for easier mounting.

This new radar is designed with special attention for a low upmast weight.
Making it easier to mount in the mast, especially for a retrofit installation.

RT FQX 9' Radars have an upmast weight less than 70 Kg.


Technical details (RT FQX 9);

Operative frequency range: 9410 ± 100 MHz
Polarizations: Horizontal, Vertical
High efficiency (Power delivered to matched load < -20 dB)
Azimuth 3 dB beamwidth 0.8° ±0.005
Azimuth 20 dB beamwidth 1.75° ±0.05
Elevation 3 dB beamwidth 22° ±0.1
Return loss < 20 dB
Gain > 35 dBi
Azimuth Sidelobe:    ≤ -28 dB within ±10° from main lobe
                              ≤ -35 dB outside ±10° from main lobe
Elevation Sidelobe:   ≤ -30 dB
Flare and radome included

Weight (including rotating unit): < 70 Kg
Size: Height ≤ 120 mm
        Width ≤ 2880
        Depth ≤ 140 mm

Power feed: 110 VAC to 440 VAC.
The antenna motor could run on both 1 phase & 3 phase power. 

Could be Certified for EX Zone I & II.