Radar detection for Offshore Rigs

Offshore operations are challenging as such. Radar detection could assist the Rig
to increase safety and security in their operations 24/7. Offshore Rigs already use the best technology there is to be able to operate.

The surface around the Rig would also put different hazards to the Rig Operation.
This is where you would be interested in optimized surface detection radar system, both for Safer Operations as such, and for increase your Security Surveillance
(e.g. Small Target Detection).

RADAR TECHNOLOGY radars is important systems for all Offshore modules;
Drilling Operations
Emergency Rescue Operations
Ice Detection
Oil Spill Detection
Safety and Security Surveillance

Oil Spill Detection.

Specially designed equipment would significantly reduce the risk of spills.
It could be beneficial to install Optimized Surface Detection radars, capable
to detect Oil slicks, also if it has slipped out in very low concentrations.


RADAR TECHNOLOGY’s new radars are designed for an easy installation onto
all Offshore modules, (Drillships, Rigs ....).
The up-mast weight for radar is less than most of the radars available today, for easier mounting in the radar mast. A modular design for easier technical service
also in the harsh offshore conditions.

Based on NOFO reviews and operational assessments, RADAR TECHNOLOGY’s
radars can be delivered with a module, satisfactory for NOFO mode of operation.

RADAR TECHNOLOGY’s new radars can be installed on all Offshore modules.
They are designed accordingly with IEC Ex Requirements for Offshore Installs.