RADAR TECHNOLOGY Ice Detection radar

RADAR-Technology Ice Detection radar antenna is ice free also during
very heavy icing conditions, thanks to a very advanced deicing system.
Our brand new radar system is developed with a new revolutionary high performance radar antenna, with outstanding functional performance.
The antenna design is confusingly like a standard marine radar antenna.

The technology inside is on far quantum ahead for safe performance in any situation, to be fully functional and in operation, performing at its best during icing conditions. That is when you really need your Ice Detection radar performing good.

All our radars has this new, ultra-high performance antenna, with ice free design.
Complies with DNV GL new Winterization Rules for ships, and DNV GL Enhanced Classification Rules for mobile offshore units, both effective in 2014.      

The RADAR-Technology radar antenna looks confusingly like a standard radar antenna for ships.
But …. The technology in our antennas is very different, the detection results,
signal dynamics is far above what could be achieved with a standard marine radar.

RADAR-Technology radar antenna is Engineering & Radar Technology at its very best. Doubled antenna gain (main beam) and a corresponding reduction of the sidelobes.

All RADAR-Technology radar antennas is equipped with this new technology which effectively provides full protection against icing. Our deiceing system keep antennas functional also in cold, icy areas where icing appears. RADAR-Technology radars will keep displaying fully operational radar images also when icing hits the vessel.

RADAR-Technology radar system and technology keep performing, detecting
and displaying perfect radar images also in this harsh condition. A fully functional surface detection radar in icy areas would improve the safety for crew and vessel.

RADAR-Technology radar is easy to operate, a high degree of probability of detection of targets, which traditionally is difficult to see. This also in harsh conditions when the standard marine radar would be blinded by icing. The new RADAR-Technology Ice Detection radar is developed to meet the new Ice Code for Navigation.
This Ice Detection radar is developed to detect also small Ice Pieces (Growlers)
in harsh conditions.

Technical Note: Navigation radar systems usually have Slotted Waveguide Antennas.
RADAR-Technology radar antennas looks confusingly like these standard radar antennas, although they are VERY different technical wise, with dynamic results which are are not possible to achieve using standard Slotted Waveguide Antennas.

Our transceiver is winterized to perform at extremely cold temperatures.
The cables are safely connected to the up-mast transceiver unit,
designed to perform down to extremely cold temperatures.

Technical Comment: Icing of a radar antenna would decrease that antenna’s performance. The ice frost on the antenna would be an additional “filter” added
for the radar signals to pass through. This is why RADAR-Technology radar antennas
are designed with de-icing system.

Complies with the IMO Polar Code.