

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has adopted the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code), and related amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) to make it mandatory.

The expected date of entry into force of the...


Following this approval, the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC)
will consider the Code and the draft amendments for adoption at its next session,
in May 2015. Once adopted, the Polar Code and MARPOL amendments could enter into force on 1 January 2017.

The draft Polar Code covers the full range of design, construction, equipment, operational, training, search and rescue...


RT Radars could be Certified for EX Zone I & II.
The light up-mast weight reduces the installation costs substantially.

The up-mast weight of RT EX Certified RT 9 Feet XV-Band radar is 50 - 70 Kg,

and an EX Certified RT 12 Feet XV-Band radar is 70 - 100 Kg.
The light weight makes them easier to install on an Offshore Module,

onto a LNG Tanker or...




SWERUS-C3 Research Expedition is completed. The Scientists disembarked in Tromsø on Saturday 4 October, before Oden continued south for demobilization.

What was achieved and what comes next?

Martin Jakobsson touches on a few scientific highlights from leg 2 of SWERUS-C3.


Radar Technology Surface Detection radars can detect the surface, ice pieces, 
and small targets much longer out, with increased probability of detection.
The new RT Radar Antenna is designed for better signal performance.
We have launched our new exclusive RT Radar video processor, which is able to process the incoming radar signal more efficiently. All in all we can detect and display the surface details longer out and with very good probability of detection.


Oden has departed Point Barrow, on the north coast of Alaska, for the second leg
of SweRus C3 Expedition. She’s steaming over the Chukchi Sea, heading West,
sailing North of Wrangel Island, to East Siberian Sea, passing over Lomonosov Ridge.

You could find daily updates & blogs here:



Oden has sailed through East Siberian Sea, passing over Herald Canyon,
close to Wrangell Island, coming to the ice edge.
They've local Marine Mammals fairly close to the ship - first Polar Bears
and then a few Walruses fairly close.

You could find daily updates & blogs here:



Oden experienced tougher ice conditions with thicker ice than expected
on her first leg from north of Severnaja Zemlja to the Laptev Sea.

Photo: SjoV_isbrytning @SjoV_isbrytning  

Icebreaker Oden is now cruising in the Laptev Sea. She should continue in the East Siberian Sea, through the Chukchi Sea, heading for Barrow, Alaska, for Crew change in late August.



SWERUS-C3 2014: Arctic Ocean expedition with I/B Oden

The Swedish Icebreaker Oden departed Tromsø, Norway, Sunday 6 July,
for a three months Research trip in the Arctic. She should cruise through the Ice north of Russian Arctic, north of the New Siberian Islands, all the way to Barrow, Alaska, where she is expected late August.

You could see where Oden is today here -



IMO's Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) 93rd session, has just approved
the SOLAS amendments in the IMO Polar Code.  
MSC 94 is expected to adopt these new regulations in November 2014.

The MARPOL provisions would be approved by IMO's  Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) 67th session in October 2014, if so it would be
adopted by MEPC 68 in May 2015.

Which means the IMO Polar Code could enter into force 1 January 2017.


New winterization rules help ships operate safely, effectively
and efficiently in freezing temperatures.
The new DNV GL Rules is effective on 1 January 2014.

Radar Technology Ice radar Complies with DNV GL's new Winterization Rules.


Radar Technology Co. Launches New "Ice and Oil radar" with integrated de-icing system.

The Norwegian Marine News site "Skipsrevyen" has published an article about RADAR-Technology Ice & Oil Detection radar, (in Norwegian).

Please find a copy of the news clip from Skipsrevyen 1 August 2013 here


We introduce a 9 ‘ Optimized Surface Detection Radar, X-band. 

It is an up-mast design, less than 90 Kg in total up-mast weight.
This design will need less constructional support in the radar mast. 


We introduce a series of new radar systems for optimized surface detection.

These new radars have improved surface detection compared with the best current surface detection radars on the market today. Modular design & lighter, together with a new display system developed together with a well-known system house.

We will introduce these new radars in early 2013.