

SWERUS-C3 Arctic Ocean expedition with I/B Oden, Update.

Oden experienced tougher ice conditions with thicker ice than expected
on her first leg from north of Severnaja Zemlja to the Laptev Sea.

Photo: SjoV_isbrytning @SjoV_isbrytning  

Icebreaker Oden is now cruising in the Laptev Sea. She should continue in the East Siberian Sea, through the Chukchi Sea, heading for Barrow, Alaska, for Crew change in late August.

Icebreaker Oden should return on the second leg, north of the first leg.
She would cruise over the Lomonosov Ridge, an underwater mountain chain
near the North Pole.

The researchers on board are studying the interactions between the thawing cryosphere, the carbon system and the climate system.

You could see where Oden is today here -

You could find daily updates from Oden on SWERUS –C3 Website: