Surface Detection on inland waterways

Optimized Surface Radar Detection would be effective when you should monitor
inland waterways, beautiful and exposed as they would be.

Reasons for Surface Detection on inland waters could be:
Ice Detection
Chemicals on the water
Oil Spill on the water
Small Target Detection

Inland waterways are more fragile. They could be the freshwater supply.
The water volume is of course less than out in the Oceans, so any pollution
into these waterways would be a major concern.

RADAR TECHNOLOGY’s new radars is designed for optimized surface detection,
as of inland waterways. They are easy to install in remote, harsh locations,
and they could be operated remotely.
The weight of the radar is less than most of the radars available today, for easier installations along an inland waterway. It is easier to make a radar foundation
for a lower up-mast weight. Modular design for easier technical service.