Surface Detection of Arctic Oil Terminals

Ice Classed Tankers now operate daily in the Arctic.

The loading terminals are High-risk areas. The experience is unfortunately pointing to that there are petroleum products slipping out while loading and discharging at petroleum terminals. If so, it would be the same risk for Oil terminals in the Arctic.

The Arctic is vulnerable. 
The operators up here are indeed concerned about this vulnerable environment. But, we will unfortunately get Oil Spills also up north. Oil Companies operating
up here have stated that they have Zero tolerance for Oil Spills. 

Optimized Surface Radar Detection is effective and proven for monitoring tanker terminals. Monitoring the area around your remote oil terminal could be a good protection. This is where you could use an optimized surface detection radar system together with an IR/Laser sensor, for Safer Operations and increased Security.

You could get several radar applications in one radar system:
Ice Detection
Oil Spill detection  
Small Target Detection
Security Surveillance

RADAR TECHNOLOGY’s new radars is designed for optimized surface detection,
as of a tanker terminal or refinery up north. Our radars could be installed in Petrochemical terminals. They are easy to install also in remote, harsh, locations,
as in the icy Arctic. 

The modular design for easier technical service also when located in the Arctic.

Based on NOFO reviews and operational assessments, RADAR TECHNOLOGY’s
radars can be delivered with a module, satisfactory for NOFO mode of operation.