Ice Detection for Support vessels up north

You would have Ice Classed Support vessels around your Drillship in Arctic.
Ice Breakers, Support vessels, Chase vessels, Guard vessels ….

The most important Ice Detection & Ice Management is done by these Support vessels, operating around you to protect you from the Ice Hazards. 

It’s not much a Drillship could do when it detects an Ice Berg, a Bergy bit or
Growler approaching the Rig. You would need the Ice Breaker and Ice Breaking Supply vessels doing the Ice Management.

Ice Breaking Tugs/Support vessel could be able to move Bergy Bits & Growlers
out of the way. That would take some time, which is why you would prefer to detect all Ice Hazards as early as possible, also in fog and during the dark hours.

Only some of these Support vessels have ice detection radars when chartered.

Drillship Operators would probably retrofit Ice Detection systems during
the mobilization for these Support vessels.   

We have requests for 6’ Ice Detection radars for Icebreaking Tugs/Support vessels. We have the pleasure to introduce a 6’ Optimized Surface Detection radar, revised for Ice Detection.

Boxed radar …. easy to install, easy to de-mount.

RADAR TECHNOLOGY’s new radars is designed to be easy to install, and easy to de-mount after an Arctic project. The up-mast weight is less than most of the radars available today, which make them easier to mount in the radar mast or foundation. A modular design makes it easier for technical service also in harsh weather.

Complies with DNV GL new Winterization Rules for ships, and DNV GL Enhanced Classification Rules for mobile offshore units, both effective in 2014.