Ice Detection for Seismic Vessels

It is a cold hard truth working in the Arctic, freezing is a constant challenge.

The ice hazards force vessels to abrupt or maybe change their operations.
Drifting ice can damage an Ice Classed vessel. So imagine what drifting ice could do to your equipment and sensors when you are running sensitive technical operations.

So, what do you do to safeguard your Arctic Seismic Project ?

Yes, of course; You would ensure that your vessel is purposely fitted
and your crew is trained for the mission.

Advanced 3D Seismic acquisition require ice-free waters, or possibly
a very few Ice Pieces on a safe distance from the streamers.

Recent experience up north reconfirmed that good training is a key for success.
You would benefit when your Officers, Ice Observers and Ice Coordinators have
had some time training together for the specific Arctic project.

The Ice Observers & Ice Coordinators would surely prefer to be familiar with
your Seismic Ice Navigation System on board before they arrive to the area,
to use all the features therein for their Ice Detection reporting.

We recommend on board training on how to use your Ice Detection Radar. 

The detection and identifications of the ice pieces is important for your success.

The Master of your vessel need to know the exact locations of these Ice Pieces
well in advance if he should have a chance to avoid these ice hazards
when the vessel is towing a long & wide Seismic Spread.

RADAR TECHNOLOGY radars is designed for integration with Seismic Ice Navigation Systems currently in use on board Arctic going Seismic vessels.