Ice Detection

A RADAR TECHNOLOGY Ice Detection Radar can identify the ice hazards.
Thus it would help you to safely and responsibly operate in the Arctic.

A vessel with Optimized Ice Detection radar could operate safer through ice waters, remain in icy areas waiting for the ice to clear.

In short - increasing the vessel’s operational time up north.

You would need excellent ice detection radar together with an experienced ice observer. The ice detection radar could detect also most dangerous growlers,
but it takes a trained eye to identify it on the radar screen.

An experienced ice observer will still beat even the most advanced automatic detection/tracker system.  

That’s when using an optimized ice detection radar system.

Ice Detection by radar, optical, IR and visually for your safe operations.
Our new radars are developed for improved detection in icy waters.

Our engineers have the experience & know how from many years of ice detection. We have the most recent experience detecting ice pieces up north.

Ice bergs & Bergy bits could be a challenge to detect. That’s hard to believe for anyone who has not been out there and experienced it.

It’s more understandable that Growlers are difficult, as they show a fairly small piece of ice above the surface.

This experience is beneficial in our continous R&D efforts to improve ice detection features in our radar systems.