Surface Detection at a Refinery

Optimized Surface Radar Detection could be effective when you would like to monitor land & water areas around your refinery to detect anything moving
or changing over the area.

Monitoring the inland water around your refinery would be important 
Chemicals on the water
Oil Spill on the water
Small Target Detection

You could detect anything moving or changing in the area

This is where you could use optimized surface detection radar system together with f.e. an IR Camera, to increase your Security – you would get a qualified Small Target Detection system.
Any small or bigger target moving over the covered area will be detected.

Inland waterways are more exposed for chemicals or oil. They could be a freshwater.
The water volume is less than out in the Oceans, so any pollution in these waterways would be a major concern.

Based on NOFO reviews and operational assessments, RADAR TECHNOLOGY’s
radars can be delivered with a module, satisfactory for NOFO mode of operation.

RADAR TECHNOLOGY’s new radars is designed to be easy to install in remote, harsh, locations.  EX Spec's; These new radars could be EX Certified, which is a firm requirement on an Oil Refinery. The modular design makes it easier for technical service in a Refinery.