Darkness in the Arctic

The colors up north is unbelievable beautiful. Sunrise & sunset in the Arctic
is indeed fantastic. The light goes at sunset, you are on your own in darkness,
in the Polar night. 


Thanks to the ship’s radar you could continue and come very close to the Ice Pieces, far more dangerous in darkness. You would like to detect this Iceberg early.


The polar night is indeed a challenge as such. The ship’s bridge systems could be switched to Night mode. Even so – the displays have to be darkened as much as possible. You need to use the radars, and you need to keep the lookout. 

Your personal night vision could too easy be reduced by navigation systems
lighting up too much. This is only one of the challenges operating in darkness.
And, you need the radar to detect and guide you, especially in darkness.

This is the challenge for all of us.